Wednesday, February 19, 2020

My headcanon theory is Eons in the Founder’s Future they BECOME EVOLVE into the Wormhole Prophets

(Megan Cyber musings)
My mindblowing future fanhead canon(blew my mind when it popped into my head waking up from sleep) that I tweeted to Ira Behr-  this retcon future history just like Bashir’s consistent past behavior was used to create his future canon genetic modification retcon backstory story...ergo...

The GreatLink & Prophets are too parallel(*prefer isolation from ‘lesser’ beings, *internal groupmind communication,*sending seeds out to world for communication-explore-messages, *power to manipulate spacetime matter, *considered GODs to lesser beings), ergo imho THEY ARE THE SAME BEINGS AFTER EONS thousands/million yrs ODO’s Mind/Soul/teachings CHANGES THEM AND THEY ESCAPE corporal solid existence like LAAS said consciousness is beyond matter and they made the worm hole connecting home to near Bajor and instead of baby changlings sent orbs and Odo’s love for Bajor/Kira/Solids went back into past time to pave the change of now and save Bajor/Alpha Quad from their evil Shapeshfiter Dictator past.

During #DS9 25th anniversary I had this mindblowing retcon I tweeted to Ira * like you guys writer’s room link ideas ergo Bashir’s consistent past behavior =genetic engineered or Sec31 explains centuries of Federation/StarFleet safety*  like Bashir’s consistent past behavior was used to create his genetic mod story, GreatLink & Prophets are too parallel(prefer isolation from 'lesser’ beings, internal groupmind communication,sending seeds out to world for communication explore messages, power to manipulate spacetime matter, considered GODs to lesser beings)...

ergo imho THEY ARE THE SAME BEINGS AFTER EONS thousands/million yrs ODO’s Mind/Soul/teachings CHANGES THEM AND THEY ESCAPE corporal solid existence like LAAS said consciousness is beyond matter and they made the worm hole connecting home to near Bajor and instead of baby changlings sent orbs and Odo’s love for Bajor/Kira/Solids went back into past time to pave the change of now and save Bajor/Alpha Quad from their evil Shapeshfiter Dictator past.  ergo my process creating my fancanon future theory..

Pahwraiths=Changlings that refuse this salvation/help instead hate Bajor/solids, 

DS9doc S8 Jemhadar converted to Sisko/Prophets R the ones disappeared into the Wormhole, book canon Cardassia also had a 'Prophet’ religion but lost it.
Odo/Kira =timeless myth Angel/God loves a Mortal