Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Essay on ‘Dune Chapterhouse’ & 'Dune Revenant’  fanfiction novel Face Dancers vs Changlings in 'Star Trek DS9’   (Megan Cyber)

(ignoring the techno version of my theory in the BORG collective)
Has anyone done a forum thread to talk/chat to compare and discuss the marked similarities and if the writers/producers of DS9 gleaned some of their Dominion/ShapeShifter story arc from the ideas formed in later Dune with e Face dancers, and then as DS9 developed full circle the author of Revenant taking their Dune continuation story and cross breeding back of a storyline of dominance and assimilation of monoserial individual lifeforms by omni-multicommunal persona lifeforms.

I find the similarities and differences fascinating and interesting as to the philosophy behind what and why a multi form species would want to overtake and /or assimilate corporal mono lifeforms.

Dune Revenant has taken Frank Herbert’s theory that biologically engineered humans evolved from entertainment beings (the first Face Dancers) to the Scattering returning beings (Master Face Dancers), but extended it further by positing they then developed a subgroup (One of Many Faces) who broke off to take an evolutionary path to the point of trans space/time multiconsciousness acquired from centuries of absorption of the minds and consciousness of vast numbers of beings and lifeforms. With that level of multibeings combined they could transverse the future and the past, by ‘existing’ thru the consciousness of the lives within them.

This concept put forth in the fanfic DUNE 7 novel, [del] seemingly combines two species of Star Trek DS9 into one and makes it malevolent, but for the 'opposite’ reason than the DS9 Dominion had for conquest and assimilation of Humanoids (monoforms). The two species combined that would approximate the 'One with Many Faces’ beings of Dune Revenant, would be of course the Founders (Shapeshifters) of the Dominion and the Bajoran Prophets, who existed in a plane/dimension higher than the linear space-time continuum, humanoids exist within.

Whereas Star Trek has the Founders finding individual persona existence chaotic and the teeming numbers of such individuals as needing a rigid enforced order to be controlled, for self preservation of the Founders who are a wholly separate species from humanoid evolution;
Dune Revenant has instead the 'One as Many Faces’ shapeshifters as one of the many ultimate paths of human evolutions and that their/it existence similarly abhors the confines and rigidness of individualities/persona and but in OPPOSITE embraces the flow chaos of the many and the universe, which would be a 'NON ORDER’. And seeks to destroy the existing links to their monoform/individual humanoid past by assimilating or destroying the remaining human race.  
In fact one could say that the two groups have nearly exactly the same views but just a different solution. Dune shapeshfters choose to assimilate ancestral humans into the One or destroy, while the ST:DS9 Founders wish to control through imposed order or destroy. I think the Dune Shifters feel the level of existence they live on is such a HIGHER level of order that social and mental structures monoform humanoids must be wiped out and not an ounce of energy be expended on forcing and imposing stricter efficient methods upon them. One of the key differences between the two universes is the concept that in Dune the two species are
biologically related and at different steps of evolution, where in ST:DS9 the species are completely separate genetically. None the less, the more 'advanced’ multiform species is concertedly on a path to cause the extinction and/or absorption of the 'primitive’ one. Sort of like the way the various Homo sapien ancestors were absorbed and/or wiped out and replaced by modern humans.

In correlating the similarities though, DuneRev takes the intermediate Master Face Dancers and has them still fascinated and patronizing towards the remaining human populace in that they try to help save monoformed humans from the attacking 'One as Many Faces’ being(s) by infiltrating their social structures not to cause dissension, like the ST:DS9 Founders, but to strengthen the human culture to enhance it’s continued evolution to a higher consciousness level that the Face Dancers had achieved through a different means, but assumes all life is heading towards the same end, of omniconsciousness through existing across future/past space and time. The Master Face Dancers in still honoring and being nostalgic for their past as monolifeforms/individuals and still enjoying taking on a persona or individuality for experience/enjoyment sake are quite similar to the respect and joy the ST:DS9 Shapeshifting/Founder character, Constable Odo, had in being a separate individual from the Founder’s Link and wanting to help and save humanoids from the Dominion invasion.

Also, similarly little things like the concept of engineered beings for use as weapons is similar across Dune and DS9, though this would seem more of a idea pollination gleaned from Frank Herbert, instead of the other way, with the Fanfic novel taking some cues IMHO from ST:DS9 story arcs. In Dune:Heretics we find out about the Futars savage beings designed to kill, in ST:DS9 we have the Jemhadar.

But there’s a part of me that thinks that when one goes and postulates a story idea and theorizes using certain set parameters, you can’t help from ending up with similar outcomes. So it is quite possible NONE of the writers/producers of DS9 had ever read nor heard of the later storylines and characters developed in the Dune universe. And viceversa, the fanfic author of Dune Revenant, NEVER watched nor read of any of the story developments going on in ST:DS9. But knowing a few of the ST writers, I think not. :-)

leading to my next post -

My headcanon theory is Eons in the Founder’s Future they BECOME EVOLVE into the Wormhole Prophets

 https://zontarmedia.blogspot.com/2020/02/my-headcanon-theory-is-eons-in-founders.html ]

Star Trek DS9 wiki - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_Deep_Space_Nine
DS9 ‘CHANGLINGS’ Memory Alpha - https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Changeling

DUNE REVENANT(2000) William Mitchell [Dune7 fan novel]- http://www.oocities.org/dune_revenant/